Sunday, November 9, 2008


When Mindy and Jodi wished me happy 60th birthday on their blogs and said the things they said about me, well lets just say a few tears fell. I know they know that I love them but I'm not sure they really know how much. So I would like to tell them and anyone else who reads our blog. These two are amazing young women. I'm so proud of them. The lives they have chosen to lead, the two men they married (which are like sons to me). The way they are raising their children. I just couldn't be more happier with them. Time passes so fast I wish I could go back to when you were just my little girls and keep you with me for always. I know that you will be with me forever and we will all be together forever. From the first time I met Doug and Sean I knew it was just a matter of time and you would be married and moving on. And now I'm so glad you did because I have 7 of THE most wonderful grandkids in the world. So with these few words coming from my heart I hope that you know in your heart what you mean to me. Love, Dad.

1 comment:

Jodi Elwell said...

Thanks! That was great for a few tears! I love you!

Surely you had a better picture than that, though!